Livescale Blog

Live Shopping: Expectations vs. Reality

Written by Livescale | Jul 7, 2023 12:20:07 PM

Did you know, that according to WARC, livestream commerce has a purchase incidence rate of more than 30%?

Yes, Live Shopping has become an increasingly popular trend in the e-commerce world revolutionizing the way consumers shop online. It combines the convenience of online shopping with the excitement and engagement of real-time video streaming. With its promise of interactive experiences, exclusive deals, and personalized recommendations, shoppable videos have generated high expectations among both retailers and consumers.

However, like any emerging technology, the reality of Live Shopping events may not always align perfectly with those expectations. Here we explore livestreaming commerce and delve into the expectations versus the reality, telling more about the benefits of Live Shopping.


Expectation #1: Interactive and Engaging Experience

One of the key promises of live shopping is to provide a highly interactive and engaging experience for consumers. Viewers expect to be able to ask questions, make comments, and receive real-time responses from hosts or presenters. The ability to interact directly with sellers and other viewers creates a sense of community and fosters a dynamic shopping experience.

Reality: Interaction Limitations

While Live Shopping platforms do offer interactive features such as chat boxes and comment sections, the sheer number of participants can sometimes make it challenging for hosts to respond to every query or comment. Additionally, technical glitches or delays can hinder real-time interaction, leading to a less fluid experience than initially anticipated.



Expectation #2: Exclusive Deals and Limited-time Offers

Live Shopping often entices consumers with the promise of exclusive deals and limited-time offers. The sense of urgency created during a live session encourages viewers to make immediate purchasing decisions, believing they are getting the best possible price or accessing unique products.

Reality: Limited Stock and Availability

While interactive streams do provide opportunities for exclusive deals, the reality is that limited stock and availability can sometimes disappoint eager buyers.

Due to the nature of Live Shopping, showcasing and selling products in real-time, it is not always feasible to accommodate everyone's demand. Popular items may sell out quickly, leaving some viewers unable to take advantage of the promised deals.


Expectation #3: Personalized Recommendations

With the integration of data analytics and artificial intelligence, Live Shopping platforms (like Livescale) can offer personalized product recommendations based on viewers' preferences and browsing history. This targeted approach aims to enhance the shopping experience by presenting relevant and appealing options.

Reality: Algorithmic Limitations

While live streaming providers strive to deliver personalized recommendations, the effectiveness of algorithms may vary. Sometimes, the recommendations may not accurately reflect individual preferences, leading to mismatches between what viewers expect and what they see. Additionally, over-reliance on algorithms can limit the discovery of new and diverse products, potentially inhibiting the serendipity of shopping.


Expectation #4: Authenticity and Transparency

Consumers often perceive Live Shopping as a more authentic and transparent form of retail. The unscripted nature of live streams, where hosts showcase products in real-time, creates a sense of trust and reliability. The ability to see the products in action and witness genuine customer reviews enhances the overall shopping experience.

Reality: Influencer Marketing and Sponsored Content

While live streaming events offer authentic experiences, the rise of influencer marketing and sponsored content within these platforms can blur the line between genuine recommendations and paid promotions. In some instances, viewers may find it challenging to distinguish between unbiased reviews and influencer-driven endorsements, leading to potential disappointment or mistrust.



Okay, now we all know that Live Shopping has undoubtedly revolutionized the e-commerce landscape, introducing a new level of interactivity and engagement. However, it is important to manage expectations and acknowledge the realities that come with this evolving form of retail.

While shoppable streams deliver exciting opportunities for immersive shopping experiences, you should keep in mind limitations in real-time interaction, availability of deals, personalized recommendations, and authenticity. By managing expectations and conducting thorough research, consumers can leverage the benefits of live shopping while making informed purchasing decisions.